Fit First Responders 800-382-1506

The Program

The Program


Every First Responder / Veteran must be physically and mentally prepared for the task at hand.
Our program does this by providing the coaching, curriculum and tools necessary to be FIT FOR DUTY (for the mission of the job) and FIT FOR LIFE (self mastery to win in life)

Our Proven Program Is Based Around 5 Pillars:

This pillar is about you creating the winning mindset and it all starts with your focus. What you desire is what you focus on and what you focus on is what you get. It’s about you discovering “WHAT” – VISION and knowing your “WHY” – PURPOSE. It’s about being compliant and doing what you say your going to do.
Just like you train your body you can train your mind and this pillar is to help you create mental wins. To become a MENTAL CHAMPION. It’s about getting focused on the right things and staying focused on the right things. To be FIT FOR DUTY & FIT FOR LIFE it takes the right FOCUS.
This pillar is about you creating the winning mindset and it all starts with your focus. What you desire is what you focus on and what you focus on is what you get. It’s about you discovering “WHAT” – VISION and knowing your “WHY” – PURPOSE. It’s about being compliant and doing what you say your going to do.
Just like you train your body you can train your mind and this pillar is to help you create mental wins. To become a MENTAL CHAMPION. It’s about getting focused on the right things and staying focused on the right things. To be FIT FOR DUTY & FIT FOR LIFE it takes the right FOCUS.
This pillar is all about you winning in your nutrition. Your nutrition and the food you choose to eat is a large part of you getting the results you deserve and living life to the fullest. It’s about following the First Responder Nutrition 101 and making The 10 Habits a lifestyle. It’s about awareness, it’s about education, and it’s about choices. It’s about using food for it’s main purpose and that is to provide life to your body. To be FIT FOR DUTY & FIT FOR LIFE it takes being committed to your food choices and mastering your FOOD choices.
This pillar is all about you winning in relationships. Studies have shown that you will become like the 5 people you hang around the most. As a First Responder we believe that Iron Sharpens Iron. It’s about building the right friendships and welcoming the accountability in your life. It’s about working together to WIN. We are better together. It’s about team and teamwork. It’s about winning together so that we can then help others win. The family pillar is about you winning in your relationships. To be FIT FOR DUTY & FIT FOR LIFE it takes you WINNING in your relationships.
This pillar is all about your belief. It’s about creating faith back in your life. One of the greatest beliefs you can have is in who you were born to be, who you are and who you can become. It’s you being strong spiritually and a hope and belief that the results you desire are possible once again. To be FIT FOR DUTY & FIT FOR LIFE it takes belief and a strong FAITH
“If you want something you’ve never had you’ve got to choose to do something you haven’t done.”– Coach JC


To build the most FIT First Responders we believe in using a comprehensive Strength and Conditioning program to condition both your physical body and your mental.

Our FIT First Responders program is structured around two goals.
1. The primary focus of our program is to reduce and minimize the incident of injury and losses of every first responder.
2. The second goal is to increase the First Responders job performance, overall life performance and WINS in life.

The FIT First Responders Program Overview:

I. Strength and Conditioning

It all starts with Performance Evaluators/Job Specific Performance
Testing and a program built around Multi-Joint Movements.
– Warm Up/Movement Prep
– Agility / COD
– Speed
– Power /Explosive Training
– Acceleration / Deceleration
– Conditioning (Endurance, work capacity training)
– Regeneration (Recovery, Flexibility, SMR )

Tactical Performance

You’ve already made the decision to be FIT FOR DUTY. FIT FOR LIFE. Now, we want to give you the opportunity to expand your training. Teach your muscles to work together, sharpen your skills.
The TACTICAL PERFORMANCE workouts are always different. Movements have a functional foundation with a focus on technique and increasing your work capacity through gymnastic moves, weight lifting, cardio and more.
It’s proven that doing something physically intense and mentally challenging binds a group of people together. Your skill level makes no difference as long as you heart is willing.

We will work hard as a team. Master movements, destroy your comfort zone and train to be FIT FOR DUTY, FIT FOR LIFE.

II. Mental Conditioning

Just like you train your body you can train your mind. At FFR our Mental Conditioning program  goes hand in hand with our physical conditioning program.
Every action originates with a thought and once you control your thinking you control your life. Our founder, Coach JC has wrote 3 books on this topic that you will have access to during your FFR program.
Coach JC’s Mental Conditioning Books and WINNING Products
In our Mental Conditioning Program you will learn how to create more WINS in your life through the right focus, attitude, decision making, and daily rituals.

III. Nutrition

In the FFR Nutrition Eating Plan you will learn how to eat the right foods and the right times so that you can decrease body fat and build muscle while enhancing recovery. You will adapt our 10 Habits as a lifestyle and become aware of the food choices you make and how they effect you in reaching your goals.
It’s about using food for it’s main purpose and that is to provide life to your body. As a FIT First Responder and in life it takes being committed to your food choices.

IV. Supplementation

In the FFR supplementation program you will learn how to utilize the right supplements for your specific body demands. We believe that supplementation plays a role and are a part of the overall FFR program. Supplements are to supplement your Physical Training and Eating Plan. In our FFR program you will be educated on the right supplements to take and the timing for your specific needs.

Our founder, Coach JC has created an all natural line of supplements including a Protein Powder carried at Whole Foods that is Non-GMO, gluten Free, Hormone Free, with no artificial sweeteners. During the FFR program you will have access to Coach JC’s supplement line.

Coach JC’s ALL NATURAL Supplement line of wellness and performance products